The fashion cycle..🔄


Fashion have evolved over years and centuries, going under different faces and circumstances. We have to realize that fashion also has a cycle like anything by completing one phase and entering another, repeating few of the same etc. 

From wearing skrits, sarees and dupatta to wearing funky, colourful clothes, Indian's fashion sense has become more sensible and has truly evolved. Speaking of cycle we can see remarkable styles coming again in trend after years. The 80's chokers are back, puff and elbow slevees are in trend, lose pants are renamed as palazzo, the traditional bun with flowers still lasts and so on. 

By analyzing all these fashion styles we can clearly see that fashion has an undefined cycle in which it changes without a fixed time period undergoing different phases and bringing out something different and at time makes us remember some eternal styles.

Understanding all these stuffs, one question strikes our mind, who spins this cycle? And the answer lies within us. It is us, humans. We create a style, make it a trend, destroy a style, recreate a fashion sense, developing ourselves. Let us make sure that we set a right trend, inherit a good sense of fashion in the upcoming generation and let's be innovative.

Fashion is like having food, we shouldn't have the same menu all time!



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